

Artwork by Baé


Full of curious treasures, a mystical chamber.

'Cabinet de Curiosités', also referred to 'Studiolo' in Italian or 'Wunderkammer' in German, is a room or cabinet filled with rare and mysterious objects. The collections rose to popularity during the European Renaissance when inquisition for natural science and art had culminated in attempts to rationalize and categorize a bounty of information.

Curiosité, Baé, 2019

Multiples, exotic sculptures, rare minerals and feathers of bizarre creatures are a few examples of artifacts that constitute this assemblage. What had started out as private collections outgrew to what we know as forms of museums today.

<CURIOSITÉ> is MUTEMUSE's own collection of irrational articles. Each riddle-like object is worth careful observation, such as the static hourglass or a needle made impossible to sew, more enticing due to its unsolvable nature.

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